(In Picture L-R - Paul Sandison, Clive Dunkley, Martin Eversfield, Pete McLaren, Mark Pawsey MP, Roy Sandison and Sarah Bennett) |
A delegation from Rugby Against the Cuts lobbied Rugby Tory MP Mark Pawsey on Friday (October 22nd) about the recently announced public spending cuts. “There was a frank exchange of views during the hour long meeting,” Rugby Against the Cuts spokespersonPete McLaren said afterwards. “Although the discussion was generally pleasant and cordial, there was little political agreement as we were expressing the anger being felt by working class people for being made to pay for a crisis they did not cause. We told him we thought those who caused the economic crisis – bankers and governments - should pay for it, whereas Mark Pawsey clearly believes that public services have to be cut to balance the books. We particularly expressed our concerns at the loss of one million jobs, and the redundancies that will inevitably follow; the 28% cut to local Council budgets; and the attacks on welfare, especially on housing and incapacity benefits.”
The group’s Trade Union Liaison Officer Roy Sandison was concerned that Mark Pawsey did not seem to understand how seriously the cuts would affect Rugby. “He could not see that there would be a massive growth in unemployment, with a predicted job loss of one million, and only180,000 jobs created in the private sector last year. He defended the Government’s insistence on targeting welfare benefits for cuts and raising rents for social housing, although we pointed out the effect this would have on those already in poverty. He also felt it was correct to get rid of the Educational Maintenance Allowance for 16 – 19 year olds, despite the effects this would have on youngsters from families on low incomes.”
“Although we did not seem to change his views, overall, the lobby was worth organizing,” Pete McLaren concluded. “Mark Pawsey listened as we outlined our fears, and said he would be happy to meet us again to monitor developments as they occur. He agreed to take up any cases arising from abuse of Health and Safety legislation, provide a list of the quangos affected by the cuts, and look at the effects proposed cuts on children’s services would have in Warwickshire. He also said he would find out the effect housing benefit cuts would have in Rugby. We remain very concerned about the way the Con-Dem Government is cutting without any apparent understanding of the effects of the cuts, but at least our MP was prepared to listen”.
- Rugby Against the Cuts was set up by local trade unionists and political activists on September 22nd. Officers were elected as above
- Rugby Against the Cuts is holding stalls in Rugby town centre to publicise its opposition to the cuts – the next one will be on October 30th
- Rugby Against the Cuts meets on the second Thursday of every month, 7.30pm, at the Three Horse Shoes, Rugby
- Rugby Against the Cuts can be contacted on 07881 520626, atrugbyagainstthecuts@googlemail.com, or through our web site athttp://rugbyagainstthecuts.blogspot.com
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