Please do your bit today to take action on this issue in your local area. There is a campaign to reduce the gap between the lowest and highest paid at Warwickshire County Council.
■The highest paid officer at Warwickshire County Council (the Chief Executive) earns just short of £172,866 per year, before benefits such as pension.
■The lowest salary band at the County Council is £12,145.
■The ratio of the highest to the lowest salary is 14 to 1, which the Green Party views to be an unfairly large gap.
In Brighton, Greens have already reduced the pay of the Chief Executive by 5% and increased the lowest paid workers' salaries to the living wage of £7.20 per hour. Join in the campaign for similar action in Warwickshire. You can make a difference!
We only have until the end of August to get as many signatures as we can. So please sign up to the e-petition today and send this email round to all your friends to sign up as well. We need as many signatures as possible so the Council will take this issue seriously.
It only takes about 30 seconds to do it!
You can sign the petition and read more about why it is so important here - https://
Why Should You Sign up to the E-Petition and Get Your Friends to Sign Up Too?
In the difficult economic times we face, we need to do all we can to ensure fairness is at the heart of all that we do.
The gap between the richest and the poorest is a problem throughout our country. But we have started campaigning where we think we can make a real difference - at Warwickshire County Council. The Council need a fair pay policy: