Thursday, 26 November 2015

Rugby Greens warn of 'Ideological' policies of Tories

Press Release from Rugby Green Party


Rugby Green Party welcome Cameron's & Osborne's retreat over Tax Credits and cuts to Police but warn to beware of continued ideological assault on much cherished services by Tories in Rugby”

“Our NHS is likely to go into ever deepening crisis this winter with millions facing the stark choice between heating and food for their families. With tens of thousands of vulnerable people likely to die from the cold this year with the savage cuts in insulation and warm home initiatives taking place by the Tory Government.
The Tories declared aim is to cut public services in favour of tax cuts for the super rich” say Roy Sandison from Rugby Green Party.
Caroline Lucas Green Party MP says “Even if all local councils used their new powers to raise council tax by 2% to pay for social care, that would only raise £2bn, far short of the overall funding gap of £9.5bn by 2019-20 predicted by the Local Government Association.”
Lucas also criticised Osborne’s plans to scrap nurse training bursaries:
“Behind the Government’s headline figures on the NHS lurk dangerous cutbacks.
“It beggars belief that Osborne plans to scrap nurse training bursaries and replace them with loans. Just as the Government faces strikes by junior doctors they are showing their contempt for NHS staff by plunging nurses into further into debt for their training.”
Roy Sandison, Rugby Green Party spokesperson says “Our local MP, Mark Pawsey, will have a very nice Christmas with his inflation busting 11% pay rise but for many people in Rugby a visit to the food bank beckons. Too many people will be crossing their fingers with the hope that they won't need to use the in crisis NHS or ambulance services this winter”
“Osborne supported the bail out of his friends in the banking sector that caused the mess yet the rest of us are picking up the tab. That is not fair and doesn’t make good economic sense! Says Roy

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Rugby Green Party challenge Mark Pawsey MP over Trade Union Rights!

Dear Mark Pawsey

We note you intend to vote for even more attacks on the rights of UK workers with the Trade Union Bill before Parliament and we would ask you reconsider.
As you will be aware their has been their has been relentless attack on workers’ rights and organised labour in the UK for almost four decades which has undermined workers’ legal protections and introduced a series of anti-trade union laws in the UK by consecutive governments making our laws the most severe in the EU.

Rugby Green Party believes such attacks on trade union rights must be challenged as attacks on fundamental human rights.
The Trade Union Bill before parliaments  is a direct attack on workers’ rights including the right to organise; the freedom of association; the right to function freely; the right to peaceful protest; the right to strike and the rights on freedom of expression.
One of the proposes is on voting thresholds which will require 50% of workers in a workplace to vote for strike action before it is legitimate. Abstentions, that is those that do not vote either way in the ballot, will be treated as ‘No’ votes.
We note that yourself FAILED to meet this threshold in the recent election in the Rugby Constituency and would ask you not to be hypocritical in voting for such a proposes.
If YOU do we in Rugby Green Party would ask you to immediately resign your seat so that a by election can be called to enable you to meet your own criteria.

Friday, 24 July 2015

Rugby Green Party Statement on Terry White

On Tuesday, Terry White re-joined the Liberal Democrats and made a Press Release to the local media – this is our response.

Rugby Green Party Statement on Terry White

Terry White made several references over the last year that he felt betrayed as a young person, and former student, by the Lib Dems.

From 2010 to 2015, the Lib Dems were part of a coalition government that deepened NHS privatisation and savagely cut our public services.

We’re surprised at Terry’s objections to the Green Party wanting a far better gender balance among our general election candidates.

Terry stood for election as our local co-ordinator only two weeks ago without any objection over how the Green Party nominates our local or general election candidates.

We’re proud of having a female leader (Caroline Lucas or Natalie Bennett) since 2008 and the most women general election candidates in both 2010 and 2015 across the entire UK.

We also do the same with encouraging young people to be active. Terry was one of seven Green Party general election candidates across the West Midlands alone who were 30 or younger on election day.

The Green Party is and will remain a champion of the rights and positive contribution of disabled members to the Green Party, including internally having a national officer responsible for this work on our executive committee, and a very active disability group - we note at no time has Terry formally raised his concerns with the local party who after all selected him as our General Election candidate.

 In Rugby, the Green Party is already preparing for the next local and 2017 county council elections. We have tripled our membership in Rugby in the last year, and, in May, Green Party received over 1 million votes in a general election for the first time.

Notwithstanding these points, Rugby Green Party wishes Terry White well and note that he references disagreements with the national party and not the local party who Terry readily admits have always been supportive to him.

Rugby Green Party

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Terry 4 Rugby - Some campaign Pictures

Visit for updates on the campaign.


Rugby Green Party stand (14) in every ward in Rugby!

Rugby Green Councillors will:
·         Bring the Rugby Bid in house to cut costs and immediately cut the fees for independent trader - Rugby traders are paying the same as in cities.
·         Open an indoor market, cut fees to market traders, promote pop-up shops, give one year’s free council tax to new independent traders with less than six employees, and fund advisers to enable small businesses to gain necessary support at start up.
·         We will encourage local performers and musicians by provision of free space.
·          The toilets will be reopened in Clifton Road as a modern town needs these basic services.
·         The community recycling centres closed by the Tories will be reopened and improved.
·         We propose to cut energy bills by seeking to provide free insulation and solar panels and self energy producing items for all rented homes & Communities in Rugby including grants to owner occupiers.
·         Green Councillors will end the threat of Bedroom Tax evictions in Rugby. We work with local residents struggling to pay bills – mainly caused by low pay and zero hour contacts.
·         We will build houses for rent in association with the community, and not at the behest of developers on cherished green spaces.
·         We will defend public services and support youth services and provide increased grants to the voluntary sector.
Make Rugby the Green Engineering capital of the UK
·         Green Councillors will work with local businesses and trade unions to build on the engineering skills that exist in Rugby to produce turbines, blades and other items for the new Green Energy sector that Trade Unions and Green Party know could create 1 million jobs!
·         Rugby has plenty of skilled workers to be part of the one million green jobs revolution Green Councillors will demand that the local council step up to be part of this.
Improve Public Transport in Rugby
·         We could have brilliant, cheap public transport in Rugby; Green Councillors will demand buses and train services are integrated and modern bus stops are built so that you can be sure what bus is going to turn up and when and seek to cuts fares by 10%
Vote Green
Admirals & Cawston – Peter Reynolds
Benn – Steve Wright
Bilton – Kate Crowley
Boughton & Coton – Keary Birch
Dunsmore – Louisa Taylor
Eastlands – Alex Linden
Hillmorton – Max Anstey
Leam Valley – Phil Godden
New Bilton – Roy Sandison
Newbold & Brownsover – Lorna Dunleavy
Paddox – Amber Merrick-Potter
Overslade & Rokeby – Graham Bliss
Revel  & Binley Woods – Fintan Collins
Wolston and The Lawfords – Ellie Roderick
For real change in Rugby

Friday, 24 April 2015

Terry White and the Green Party getting a great welcome in Rugby!

Terry and the Green Party getting a great welcome on the streets of Rugby
Rugby Green Party Campaigning in Rugby on Saturday 25th.
11am - Save the NHS Stall outside Asda
12..30 - Leafletimg for our local election candidate in Benn Ward - Meet at stall.
2pm - Town Hall - 38 degree NHS petition being handed over to Terry
7pm - Hear Terry White debate with other candidates at the Rugby wide Hustings at St Andrews Church, Rugby Town Centre.
The free post leaflet will come through your letter box any time now.
Please help with delivering 10,000 leaflets for the local Elections - leafleting daily.
Please contact me for posters - or print those below.

Monday, 30 March 2015


Austerity has taken centre stage for too long. It’s time we put people first:

Austerity isn’t working. Social care slashed, benefits cut, public services shut down – right now the most vulnerable people are paying the highest price.

We can’t go on like this. The Tories’ economic plan is costing too much.

Cutting back on vital public services while spending billions on nuclear weapons just doesn’t make sense. Nor does lecturing on debt while tripling tuition fees.

Let’s fight for a fair economy. We need long-term investment in public services, a living wage, free education, affordable housing, clean energy, a stronger NHS.

Vote Green on 7th May and invest in a fairer future.


While MPs are paid massive expenses and many have more than one job, the reality of life for many people - especially young people - is that they are one pay cheque from financial strife.

I live in Rugby and work locally and I know what the real world is like. The scary reality of making £70 last three weeks despite earning a good wage, but being devastated by high living costs hit home. I know how much I rely on public transport such as trains to see family and buses to get to work and how the high fares eat into your wages at the end of the month. I learnt how much I relied on doctors at the clinics and the hospital, only for them to charge me even more to pay for prescriptions at the behest of the Condems.

My friend Graham encouraged me to join the Greens after being left very angry by Nick Clegg and the Lib Dems' betrayal of young people over tuition fees.

In September, Rugby Green Party took to the high street to start our election campaign and feedback that we gained is that the national 360,000-people survey of voters on the Vote For Policies website is true when it shows that our policies are the most popular in the UK and Rugby. 

When people read our policies then in the main we reflect their views most closely.
Based on the feedback we've had from local people, a major concern is the severe lack of health services in Rugby from having no A&E department in Rugby and no GP surgery to the east of the town and further cuts taking place.

People are very angry about us paying for the bankers' gambling debts and the fact we have major shops on our high street not paying the full amount of tax they should be paying next door to small independent shops paying high business rates, rent and taxes and struggling to survive.

I get it, making ends meet when families are facing the struggle of the bedroom tax is tough, and I get it, when having to pay out fares to get to Coventry hospital or high car parking charges to a private PFI company.
I also get it when you're forced to live on benefits because of a disability and the threat of sanctions for being ill.
Work is a scary place when you're working for very low pay or being forced out of a job, and no one is there to back you or your trade union. 

I further get it, you're sick of having an MP who will give himself a pay rise while you're struggling to put food on the table to feed your family.

The NHS is still under threat from cuts, and Labour and the Condems' PFI scheme means public money is being paid to the tune of £300 billion to private companies. 

More academies and free schools are being opened without parents' consent, we still haven't had a say on Europe, and if politicians aren't playing with expenses, they're getting a pay rise. 

A coalition of Trade Unions and community groups believe that over 1million jobs could be created in the renewable energy sector and Rugby, with our history and skills, should be at the front of this green economic revolution so that local people can have jobs that you can build your lives around as many people in Rugby will remember – we do not have to have an economy based on flipping burgers on zero wages.

Tax evasion is a national disgrace and the large energy and rail industries need to be brought back into public ownership.

When I was elected to contest the seat of Rugby & Bulkington, I made a pledge to my local party. The average wage in Rugby is £31,000 per year and that is all I would take as an MPs salary and donate the rest to community projects across Rugby. 

I would also push for a referendum on Europe, but campaign to remain a member of the European Union, giving Rugby's younger residents a say for the first time on who governs them. I will commit also to returning a fully functioning A&E department to Rugby and a GP surgery to the East of the town as a start

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Don't Miss this major event - Green Stock 2 - See Dave Swarbrick and other great performers!

Major Fundraiser for the Green Party - Dunchurch Village Hall near Rugby - 25th April 2015

Artists performing At GreenStock2


Dunchurch Sportsfield and Village Hall

Rugby Road, Dunchurch,

Rugby, Warwickshire

 £10 + £1 booking = £11 available from
15 musicians and bands playing throughout the day
Bar and Food available
Parking on site

P&P R Sandison, on behalf of all at the Green Party, 3 Stacey Ct, Rugby.

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Photo: Share our Crowdfunder for Terry! Lets get a Green elected in Rugby!


We're raising funds so that we can promote our Green Party candidate, Terence White in Rugby & Bulkington for the General Election.

The Green Party does not have funding from large corporations or special interest groups. We are looking for funds so that we can make people aware that we are standing and what we stand for.
Democracy needs to include everyone not just those who have deep pockets. By contributing to our project we can reach more people, for example by distributing a leaflet or two and standing the candidate.
It costs £500 to stand a candidate in the general election and with the rest of the funds we will distribute literature across the constituency. This is the first time a candidate in Rugby is using Crowdfunder to raise funds for a general election campaign!
We believe in fairness and equality and want everyone to know that there are alternatives to the large parties that seem to get most of the media coverage.
Please click here to see what positive changes we can make for Rugby and the rest of the UK!

Follow Terence and Rugby Green Party on twitter! We're the most followed party in Rugby!

Please donate what you can for real change!
Please share this link far and wide by e-mail and social media.


Green Party MP for Rugby & Bulkington

Green Party MP for Rugby & Bulkington