Sunday, 9 October 2016

Green Party slams further cuts to Recycling by Tory led Rugby Borough Council

Press Release
‘Green Party slams further cuts to Recycling by
Tory led Rugby Borough Council’

“Scrutiny is needed says Greens”

Rugby Green Party have slammed the proposal to cut Green Bin collection at the festive period and the following two months of January & February as not making any environmental or financial sense and will just lead to even more fly tipping in the borough.

Roy Sandison from Rugby Green Party says “Everyone knows that waste increases at the Christmas time including green and food waste and our Tory led Council is just promoting the likelihood that more waste will be dumped on our streets and lanes”

“Local residents will have already seen the impact of the disastrous policy of closing down much used local Reclying centres in Rugby leading to a massive increase of flying tipping and the massive costs it means to clean up our communities."

“Making it easier for people to recycle is the way forward and this decision that is already on the council website will compound a serious problem for Rugby and this time with 3 months of food waste left to deal with.” Say Roy

“The massive amount of funds spent on the vanity projects of the Tories over the Rugby World Cup was at the expense of basic council services it seems” says Roy.

“Rugby Green Party calls for a cross party group including green groups outside the council chamber to come together to find a way that meets the needs of our communities  - as a modern clean green council should be”

“This strategy must include the reopening of local Reclying centres, provision of new ones and reversal of the cut to the Green Bin service.”

Roy continues “Rugby Borough Council says its “clean, green safe” on its notepaper - but is it true?  The evidence and proposed actions of the local Tories suggest it is not!”

Monday, 9 May 2016

Rugby Borough Council Election Results 2016

Rugby Borough Council Election Results 2016

We are proud to say we fought a campaign for REAL POSITIVE CHANGE IN RUGBY and an  'issue' based campaign against the proposed housing developments with the main clear position of  rejection of the local plan for 12,000 'luxury houses' as well as safe guarding our town centre - with an excellent leaflet and team.

Lab 837 54.59% Con 245 16.09% UKIP 179 11.76% Green (Graham Bliss) 133 8.73% Lib Dem 128 8.40%
Con 1070 54.67% UKIP 305 Lib Dem 290 14.67% 15.43%  Lab 220 11.13%  Green (Steve Wright) 91 (4.60%
Lib Dems 981 49.92% Lab 373 18.98 Con 334 16.91% UKIP 179 9.19% Green (Peter Reynolds) 72 3.67% Tusc 26 1.23%
Con 672 41.07% Lab 514 31.41% UKIP 283 17.29% Lib Dem 92 5.62% Green (Paul Machin) 69 4.21%
New Bilton
Lab 702 51.16% Con 403 29.37% Green (Roy Sandison) 126 9.18% Tusc 71 5.71% Lib Dem 5.10%
Newbold & Brownsover
Lab 630 44.91% Con 491 35.02% Green (Lorna Dunleavy) 175 12.48% Lib Dem 106 7.56%
Lib Dem 1095 49.12% Con 455 20.41% Lab 307 13.77% UKIP 244 10.94% Green (Julie-ann Machin128 5.74%. .
Rokeby & Overslade  Lib Dem 1196 51.48% Con 527 22.68% Lab 471 20.27% Green (Kate Crowley) 3.78% Tusc 48 2.06%. *was a lab seat.
The Lawfords and Wolston
Con 1086 60.31% Lab 436 24.14% Green (Elanor Roderick)138 7.63% Tusc 136 7.53%.

Thursday, 7 April 2016


Hillmorton: PAUL MACHIN...
Newbold & Brownsover: LORNA DUNLEAVY
Rokeby & Overslade: KATE CROWLEY
Wolston & The Lawfords: ELANOR RODERICK

Please contact us by email or below if you wish to leaflet in your area or would like a poster.


3000 people are missing off the register please contact us to check you are registered or register here

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Green Party Leader Visit to Rugby a great success!

Rugby Green Party members are over joyed with the great success of their Leader Natalie Bennett visit to Rugby that took place on Friday.

Rugby Green Party spokesperson Roy Sandison says “The day could not have gone any better”.

“ Natalie was able to tour the town centre with local members pointing out the damage of the out of town shopping policy being promoted by the Tory Council at the expense of our town centre.”

“Natalie had an exciting visit to Works 4 Me -a ground breaking Employment, Art and Recycling enterprise for people with Learning difficulties in Albert Street including taking questions from people with Learning Difficulties about how the Green Party is able to support them”.

“Natalie was  quizzed on Green ideas by school students at Paddox School including  meeting members of their Eco-Council”

“Natalie met representatives from the Newbold Chapel Cafe using ‘waste food’ to tackle poverty in their community. Natalie shared ideas about how other similar projects were gaining funds and why the Government needed to change its policies.”

“And finally finishing off the day with a packed public meeting of local people taking questions and hearing about our policies on the EU, Workers Rights, Opposing privatisation of the NHS, Support for the Junior Doctors Strikes and tackling climate change.”

“It was a really good visit and Natalie was impressed by how local people were coming together to promote enterprise and defend our community” says Roy

Find more pictures and radio interviews here

Natalie meeting Ellie a local Rugby Party member

Lucy and Howard ask about Green Support for their community building project
in Newbold the Newbold Chapel Café with
Lorna and Alex Green Party members pictured as well as Natalie.
Packed Rugby Green Party Public meeting with Natalie taking questions

Local members Alex and Ellie explain to Natalie how threaten
closure of the Coop Store  will mpact on the town
The Closure of M&S in the town centre is a blow to the
sustainability of the town centre
Natalie in discussion with Joel and Kate from Works 4 Me
a fabulous enterprise at 3 Albert Street
Natalie in discussion with Lynne from Works 4 Me in their busy shop
Natalie meets the Eco Council at Paddox School
Natalie answering some excellent questions from School Students
from Paddox School
Lucy and Howard ask about Green Support for their community building project
in Newbold the Newbold Chapel Café with
Lorna and Alex Green Party members pictured as well as Natalie.

Packed Rugby Green Party Public meeting with Natalie taking questions