Saturday, 29 April 2017

A Green Party voice for Rugby & Bulkington in the General Election

Our members have already been working extremely hard to pick up the bulk of our costs but we do need that final push from all those supporters and activists out there who believe in equality not poverty, public services in public hands and power to communities.
Pollution is a real killer in our community with tens of thousands of people  suffering an early death every year. Rugby and Bulkington people especially are at risk due to the amount of heavy traffic in our town and village centres and on nearby motorways and with industry like CEMEX likely to be less regulated under the Tories plans for hard Brexit
We need a strong Green voice in the forthcoming General Election, defending our community  from  further Tory attempts to put the profits of big business ahead of the needs and health of ordinary people.
Politics need to change in this country - help us with this task.