Greens say NO to the closure of
Hawthorn ward at St Cross
News is emerging that NHS bosses are planning to close the Hawthorn Ward which provides inpatient care for older people with functional disorders such as depression and anxiety, or organic disorders such as dementia.
Roy and the Green Party oppose the attempts to close Hawthorn ward at the Rugby St Cross hospital – “Why should Rugby’s elderly sick and infirm people be moved to Nuneaton? These cuts must be fought by our community in Rugby – when Labour and Tories say the NHS is safe in their hands – the reality are these sort of core services and even more are threat from the planned cuts in public spending by all three main parties – We must fight and fight again to defend these services so needed in our community” Say Roy Sandison
Roy who is a former mental health worker says “Patients that have these sorts of conditions need familiar surrounding and the involvement of their loved ones in their treatment of dementia and other illnesses, not being decanted off to an area they do not know and families will be expected to travel so limiting their input into their care needs.”
“Andy King Labour candidate for Rugby appears to indicate some kind of “clinical need” for this cut – I have to say this is not apparent to me and most of other residents in Rugby, All I see and no doubt others see is a decision to cut services with no recourse to what is clinically needed for these very vulnerable people.
If their are any structure problems with the existing ward – then use the existing capacity I know and others know DOES EXIST at the St Cross site to resolve the problem.
Rugby people need to ensure that these cuts are not slipped under the carpet till after the General Election and instead demand from all parties and their candidates standing that they oppose and will stop these cruel and unnecessary cuts”
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