Monday, 30 May 2011

‘The Environment Agency yields to Green Party pressure over Self-policing ‘dust’ sampling by CEMEX.’

After representation from Rugby Green Party over the ‘dust ‘ complaints practice by the Environment Agency of allowing CEMEX to collect ‘dust’ samples on their behalf, the Environment Agency has agreed to cease this practice.

The Green Party brought it concerns to the attention of David Hudson from the Environment Agency at a recent meeting, after a Newbold Green Party member (Lorna Dunleavy) representing a number of local residents in the area, made a complaint this week about the amount of ‘dust ‘ both inside and outside local homes in the village.

Rugby Green Party Spokesperson Roy Sandison explains; “It has long been our concerns that when complaints were made by local residents over industrial dust, that CEMEX – which many people think could be the source of the dust, are being permitted to visit people’s homes to collect dust samples – we believe that this key action should be done independently from the company - the subject of the complaint itself in most cases”

“Real public disquiet exists about being visited at their homes by CEMEX employees - it clearly does not build in our view, trust in the complaints process, if the company is so intimately involved in a process that could possibly result in legal action and fines against them."

Newbold resident and Green Party member Lorna Dunleavy explains; “I was not pleased to have CEMEX visit my home for a number of reasons – not least because of real concerns in the village about breathing in Industrial dust emanating from the CEMEX plant and our concerns of possible resultant health problems to local families and children.”

“In many people eyes it seemed like a case of the poacher turning game keeper and I am really glad that the Environment Agency seem to be listening to our concerns about the sampling issues.”

Roy Sandison says “The Green Party urges local people to speak up if they have concerns about ‘dust’ in their area by contacting the Environment Agency on Free phone 0800 80 70 60 and Rugby Green Party are also monitoring the complaints and can be contacted by members of the public by telephone on 07749 873581 and by email about their complaints.

Thursday, 26 May 2011


Newbold on Avon residents have reacted with concerns over health fears after 'dust' levels have greatly increase in the village over the last few weeks.


The villagers which borders (along with Long Lawford and New Bilton) the massive CEMEX cement Incinerator in Rugby (Picture above) have long term concerns about levels of early deaths in the neighbourhood from Breast Cancers and Blood Disorders’ such as Leukaemia as well as incidents of respiratory illnesses such as Asthma in the community


Local residents in worry have spoken to local Green Party activist and Newbold resident Lorna Dunleavy about their concerns.


Lorna Says "I have contacted (and urge other to do so) the Environment Agency today on their Free Phone incident number on 0800 80 70 60 to ask them to investigate our concerns after levels of dust greatly increased on not just outside garden areas and cars but also inside people's homes."

WHAT ABOUT UNSEEN particulates?

“Local people are really worried about possible health problems associated from the visible particulates in our community but even more so about the unseen particulates that can enter the human body and the blood stream."

Clusters of ill health?

Lorna says "it is fair to say my community is very worried about the impact of living right next door to the CEMEX plant and the seemingly lack of information and study into the health of local people - especially 'clusters' of serious ill health reported by local people - but seemingly largely ignored by Government and those agencies that are supposed to protect us."


"We need a detailed health study to take place - including allowing self reporting of ill health - Something we in the Green Party have called for, for many years!" Says Lorna.

Friday, 20 May 2011

“Could you have a bit of spine?” Caroline Lucas MP asks Tory Circus Minister caught telling untruths

MPs have jeered a minister who suggested banning wild animals in circuses could breach human rights law.

To howls of laughter, Jim Paice said legal advice suggested a total ban "might well be seen as disproportionate action" under the Human Rights Act.

He said to have pursued a total ban would have been irresponsible.

But Labour's Mary Creagh said the department was being "pathetic" and accused ministers of "hiding behind human rights legislation".

Last week, Environment Secretary Caroline Spelman announced there would be no ban on the use of wild animals in circuses but promised to enforce "high welfare standards".

She suggested a ban would be unworkable because of a court case in Austria.

Junior minister Mr Paice told MPs on Thursday he wanted to "clarify the confusion". He said the case against the Austrian government had been delayed - although proceedings were expected to start soon.

But he said his clarification did not change the government's legal position on any ban.

'All-singing disaster'

To laughter from MPs, Mr Paice said: "The very strong legal advice which we have received, and which is consistent with the case being prepared against Austria, is that a total ban on wild animals in circuses might well be seen as disproportionate action under the European Union Services Directive and under our own Human Rights Act.

"To have pursued a ban in light of that legal advice we believe would have been irresponsible."

But shadow environment secretary Mary Creagh said the secretary of state had told MPs that the Austrian government "have been taken to court by a German circus company". However, the statement confirmed "no legal challenge exists".

She said of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs that it was another "all-singing disaster from the worst-performing department in government".

Could you have a bit of spine?”

Caroline Lucas MP

Ms Creagh challenged the government to place the legal advice it had received in the Commons library so it could be scrutinised by MPs.

"On the legal cases that don't exist and hiding behind human rights legislation, it is this department which is pathetic," she said.

She urged Mr Paice to "stop hiding behind some circus owners, who may at some point in the future, after six years of failed national and European legal challenges, be bringing another case".

"That is no reason not to ban wild animals in British circuses."

Newspapers 'incorrect'

But Mr Paice said the written statement issued on Friday had been "perfectly accurate at that time" adding: "It now transpires newspaper reports were incorrect."

In a move which stops short of a ban, government-approved vets will oversee a new licensing scheme designed to prevent cruelty and mistreatment.

Green MP Caroline Lucas called it a "cowardly" position, citing previous examples of animal welfare issues where the government had gone ahead, despite legal advice.

"Could you have a bit of spine?" she told Mr Paice.

In 2009, the year for which the latest figures are available, there were an estimated 39 wild animals being used in circuses in the UK, including elephants, tigers, lions, camels, zebras and crocodiles.

There was a public outcry earlier this year when footage emerged of a 59-year-old circus elephant called Anne (Picture) being beaten with a pitchfork in Northamptonshire.

She has since been taken to Longleat Safari Park in Wiltshire.

Saturday, 7 May 2011


The results for Rugby Green Party in the Rugby Borough Council elections were positive with a gain of votes on 2010.

11.7% (More than 1 in every 10 person who voted – voted Green) was the average support of the Greens in the nine seats we contested across Rugby and in a number of wards we reached figures much higher.

25% in Ryton, 15% in Benn and 16% in Newbold showed real promise for the future.

In the New Bilton and Overslade wards – Green Party candidates finished ahead of the Liberal Democrats and just behind them in Admirals and Brownsover North wards.

In Benn, Earl Craven, Newbold and Ryton the Liberal Democrats actually failed to find a candidate, which bodes very poor for them in the future.

While the decline of the Liberal Democrats was more limited than else where in the UK (largely for personal vote factors) they still lost by a long way in a seat in Dunchurch. New Labour increased their vote as a positive by product reaction to the anti cuts campaign – but not as much as they may have hoped for! The Tories also suffered a marked reduction in support despite gaining the Liberal Democrat seat.

The Trade Unionists and Socialists Coalition – against the Cuts (who stood with the support of the Rugby Against the Cuts Group – as did the Green Party) did fairly well – with good results in Brownsover South (12.6%) and Leam Valley (16%).

In conclusion, as with the Poll Tax struggle, we believe that the fight over the cuts will intensify over the coming period and with New Labour’s compliance over the reason for the crisis and their craven implementation of the cuts, that people will not support them at the ballot box and will be looking for the ethical Green Party as an alternative to ‘more of the same’.

Admirals Ward

· Labour Party Candidate - 811

· Liberal Democrats - 166

· LAFFY Steve - Green Party – 139 – 6.3%

· Conservative Party - 1068 - ELECTED

Turnout = 41.41%

Benn Ward

· Conservative Party - 503

· SANDISON Paul David - Green Party – 248 – 15.3%

· Labour Party - 858 - ELECTED

Turnout = 35.55%

Brownsover North

· Liberal Democrats - 168

· REYNOLDS Peter Stephen - Green Party – 144 – 8.0%

· Conservative Party - 998 - ELECTED

· Labour Party Candidate - 471

Turnout = 37.66%

Earl Craven and Wolston

· Conservative Party - 1448 - ELECTED

· RODERICK Ellie - Green Party – 171 – 9.5%

· Labour Party - 513

Turnout = 45.68%

New Bilton

· Conservative Party Candidate - 587

· SANDISON Roy Leonard - Green Party – 171 – 9.0%

· Liberal Democrats - 170

· Labour Party - 970 - ELECTED

Turnout = 35.42%


· DUNLEAVY Lorna Beryl Joyce - Green Party – 272 – 16.0%

· Labour Party - 876 - ELECTED

· WATTS Teri - The Conservative Party Candidate - 546

Turnout = 36.25%


· Labour Party - 677

· GOODCHILD Laurence Stephen - Green Party – 178 – 9.3%

· Conservative Party - 884 - ELECTED

· Liberal Democrats - 159


· GODDEN Phil - Green Party – 83 – 6.4%

· Labour Party - 244

· Liberal Democrats - 612 - ELECTED

· Conservative Party - 348

Turnout = 45.97%

Ryton on Dunsmore

· BENNETT Sarah Catherine - Green Party – 150 – 25.2%

· SPIERS Ian - The Conservative Party Candidate - 443 - ELECTED

Turnout = 42.88%

Thursday, 5 May 2011


Chaos; as it takes 20 minutes to clear Rugby town centre area

– This before the Police cuts!

A dramatic incident took place in Rugby Town Centre today at 12,45pm with a bomb scare in the main shopping centre...

What happened today? What was the plan?

Rugby Green Party members and Rugby Against the Cuts members were leafleting at dinnertime around the clock tower at the time of the incident and were witnesses to the chaos that took place after people were eventually moved out of the Clock Towers Shopping Centre at around 12.45pm to the Clock Tower area in Market Place in the centre of Rugby.

Roy Sandison from Rugby Green Party explains what happened;

Roy says “I was very worried at the time for people’s safety and unfortunately It was clear that their too few Police Officers were on hand to coordinate a full scale evacuation of local people to a place of safety – Just two Police Officers in Market Place had way too much to do by themselves, which meant that people were still buying food from stalls, passing by the entrance of the shopping centre and also people were able to enter the eastern part of Market Place and join 100’s of confused people in Market Place up to 20 minutes after the alarm was raised..”

“The main road running through the town centre was also fully opened (with taxi’s still trying to pick up customers at the taxi rank)”.

“In my view the few Police and Support Officers on duty seem to be struggling with trying to get to grips with a changing plan of evacuation and seemed very small in numbers for the task in hand.”

“The Rugby Rangers whose part remit, I understand is to protect public safety and to liaise with the police were not in evidence during the evacuation despite being in evidence earlier.

Honest Discussion

“All in all, a scary chaotic scene at a time of heighten national concern about terrorism and in my mind it is very urgent that all the bodies involved in keeping us safe in Rugby have an honest discussion about what happened today in our town.”

Lucky today!

Roy say “We were lucky today that nothing happened, but with 450 Police Cuts being made in Warwickshire and other Emergency Services facing job cuts as well> Will we be anywhere near prepared for something similar in the future?”

“In my view, The Tories (including Mark Pawsey MP) and the Lib Dem are taking a risk with our safety – today could have been much worse and it will clearly be even more risky and chaotic with less Police and Support Officers and we know that bomb scares are not the only risk to our safety.”

* Photo’s available on the Rugby Green Party website, but need to be credited to R. Sandison before use.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011


Rugby Local Elections - listen from 2.49.11 for the voice of the anti cuts candidates - Rugby Green Party and Rugby TUSC.

Elliott Webb sits in. Tune in for news, calls and laughter.

Monday, 2 May 2011

OUR TOP TEN priorities for a green AND Sustainable RUGBY

  1. 1. Putting Rugby First! - The Green Party has been transforming politics in towns and cities across the UK. Green Councillors have saved post offices, made streets safer, and are well known for working hard for local communities because they believe in putting the community first!

2. No cuts to Jobs and servicesA real threat hangs over Rugby, losing core services and facing mass unemployment to pay for the Bankers Gambling Debts! Instead the Greens say; tackle the £120bn of tax evasion every year, Tax the Bankers bonuses, Scrap the money pit that is PFI and end the £100m a year of ‘charity status’ in tax relief to elitist Public Schools like Rugby School. Why should we be expected to pick up the tab instead of the very wealthy?

3. No to backdoor sell off and privatisation of our hospital services, care homes, youth, libraries and community buildings and servicesThe Tories and Lib Dems are using their cuts to pursue right wing ideological policies and we in Rugby should say NO!

4. Fight Post Office closures We would seek to reopen closed Post Offices as Community hubs.

5. Its time for Sustainable, Green and Efficient Rugby £millions a year could be saved by the local council and local people and also provide and save jobs in Rugby. BY;

ü Sustainable purchasing from local groups of companies - instead of big business.

ü Green and efficient generation of energy needs - by installing renewable energy technology on council buildings and similarly helping local communities to produce their own cheap and sustainable energy.

ü Cutting fuels bills by providing free Insulation for many homes in Rugby It’s been done by other local authorities through Green Party pressure by making the utility companies pay.

THis is working in other places,

so why not in our TOWN

6. No to Incinerationit damages both health and the environment.

7. Rail not Road – The Green Party wants renationalisation of the railways instead of the travel chaos that exists now! – Its also a cleaner way to move goods with 1 train = 125 lorries in levels of carbon omissions.

8. Oppose bus route closures and instead promote ‘clean’ buses as part of an integrated travel provision with trains - A flat fare of £1 in the Rugby Borough – keep free transport for Pensioners, the disabled and introduce for under 16’s.

9. Stop the plan to build at the Radio Masts Site its ill conceive, a bog standard building plan and unsustainable!

10. No to Tory Craig Humphries unelected paid Chief Executive/Mayoral role and instead we demand open and transparent governance at the town hall – Green Councillors would bring a breath of fresh air to the cosy and sterile world of politics in Rugby.



*Please note all our candidates have been endorsed by the Rugby Against the Cuts campaign as ANTI CUTS CANDIDATES to support at the Rugby Borough Council Elections