After representation from Rugby Green Party over the ‘dust ‘ complaints practice by the Environment Agency of allowing CEMEX to collect ‘dust’ samples on their behalf, the Environment Agency has agreed to cease this practice.
The Green Party brought it concerns to the attention of David Hudson from the Environment Agency at a recent meeting, after a Newbold Green Party member (Lorna Dunleavy) representing a number of local residents in the area, made a complaint this week about the amount of ‘dust ‘ both inside and outside local homes in the village.
Rugby Green Party Spokesperson Roy Sandison explains; “It has long been our concerns that when complaints were made by local residents over industrial dust, that CEMEX – which many people think could be the source of the dust, are being permitted to visit people’s homes to collect dust samples – we believe that this key action should be done independently from the company - the subject of the complaint itself in most cases”
“Real public disquiet exists about being visited at their homes by CEMEX employees - it clearly does not build in our view, trust in the complaints process, if the company is so intimately involved in a process that could possibly result in legal action and fines against them."
Newbold resident and Green Party member Lorna Dunleavy explains; “I was not pleased to have CEMEX visit my home for a number of reasons – not least because of real concerns in the village about breathing in Industrial dust emanating from the CEMEX plant and our concerns of possible resultant health problems to local families and children.”
“In many people eyes it seemed like a case of the poacher turning game keeper and I am really glad that the Environment Agency seem to be listening to our concerns about the sampling issues.”
Roy Sandison says “The Green Party urges local people to speak up if they have concerns about ‘dust’ in their area by contacting the Environment Agency on Free phone 0800 80 70 60 and Rugby Green Party are also monitoring the complaints and can be contacted by members of the public by telephone on 07749 873581 and by email rugbygreenparty@googlemail.com about their complaints.
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