Thursday, 16 June 2011


(How can this be a Brown Field Site?)
(Rugby Advertiser 16 June 2011)

Full Press Release and Letter

Dear Sir

The Tories on Rugby Borough Council will do severe damage to our town if they force through the plans to build a new dormitory town at the Masts site.

The site in reality is clearly not a brown field site and should have been reclassified as a green field site, because of the limited structure impact that the old radio station had on the site.

The Tories locally made great play at opposing (correctly) the poorly thought out new build housing targets set by New Labour and now these targets have been abolished, for some reason they have done an about face turn in Rugby? Perhaps Councillor Craig Humphries and Mark Pawsey MP need to tell us why this is has just been done in our town?

It is fair to say that since the ConDem Government have to come power, homelessness have risen by 10% according to Shelter, but the proposed development , is clearly not being built to alleviate this crisis but instead will build houses for a fast buck for the developers to sell rather than for rent and need.

The Green Party is not against new houses being built, as long some attempt is made to tackle the scandal of over 1 million empty houses in the UK - including a great many in Rugby.

The proposed developments fail in our view to meet even minimum standards in respect of design, community sustainability, energy consumption in use and retention, on-site energy generation and heat distribution network.

The use of a ‘fast’ bus to Rugby town Centre is a laughable and miserably poor suggestion for the use of people on the development – a new train station or tram way would have had more credence in dealing with this key area to protect the town centre and meet transport need.

Instead this new development could well see the closure of what is left of the independent shop sector in our former thriving town centre. Rugby will become a ghost town in the centre with the only thing on offer being charity shops, betting shops and pawn brokers, something that is starting to take place even now under the poor leadership of the local Tories.

If the Tories are going to allow anything to be built at the Masts site, what about Wind Turbines? At least they have a much needed energy production purpose, that will benefit our town – rather than kill it.


Roy Sandison – Spokesperson Rugby Green Party

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