The aspiration of the Green Party is to replace the awful Liberal Democrats as the third party in England and this demonstration gives us the chance not only to demonstrate against the cuts imposed by Clegg and the Liberal Democrats in the coalition but also to expose the sell out of the Liberal Democrats over green issues such as climate change, nuclear power, burning tyres and industrial waste instead of recycling, green jobs and the green belt.
The Trade Union movement and ordinary people want an alternative to what is currently on offer and we have an opportunity at the demonstration to offer an alternative green vision to unrestrained capitalism
Green Party members have been working hard to build this protest so please come to Birmingham on Sunday 18 September and bring your green banners and placards and lets be a sizable group on this protest. We aim to have a Green Party speaker at the demonstration or the rally afterwards at 3.30pm
The march will be followed by a Right to Work Rally
Unite the Fights – Build the Resistance
Sun 18 September, 3.30pm
CWU Office, 47 Summer Lane, Birmingham B19 3TH
(5 minutes from the end of the march at Lionel Street)
Speakers include:
Mark Serwotka PCS General Secretary
John McDonnell Labour MP Hayes & Harlington
Billy Hayes CWU General Secretary
Estelle Cooch Right To Work
Linda Burnip Disabled People Against Cuts
Maxie Hayles Black Activists Rising Against Cuts
Chair: Lee Barron CWU Midlands Regional Secretary
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