Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Rugby Green Party announce General Election Candidate

Terry White taking on Tory Mark Pawsey MP in debate at Rugby High School

Terry White with Deputy Leader of the Green Party Shahrar Ali

‘Terry White for Rugby’

Terry White will be standing for the Green Party in Rugby in the General Election.

Terry (22) lives in the town centre and works in the pharmaceutical industry and used to work in the construction industry. He is a former Liberal Democrat (working in their national office), originally from South London and studied business and economics at the University of Portsmouth.

Terry reflects the large number of especially young people who have been joining the Green Party in great numbers, angry at being the forgotten generation and their hopes of having jobs that you can build a life around by the grey parties.

The Green Party is consistently out polling the Lib Dems and gained over 1 million votes at the last European election adding an additional MEP to add the growing number of parliamentary, European and Councillors on 50 Councils in England & Wales including in neighbouring Nuneaton and Leamington.

The Green Party has also increased it membership by 80% since January now standing at over 35,000 members.

The real political revolution

Terry White says ‘While UKIP gets the London media publicity the Greens are in reality in the fore front of the real positive people’s revolution in this country.”

”I joined the Green Party because it champions a citizens income and a living wage and our economic policy is the key to creating long term job including building on the skills that still exist in Rugby to turn us into the Green Energy capital of UK manufacturing.”


Local people have seen Terry & Rugby Green Party out in force campaigning over the threat of cuts to Rugby St Cross Hospital.

The Green Party believe that this is more likely to be as a direct result of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), a treaty between the European Union and the United States. The Green Party is the only political party that opposes TTIP.

Terry White says  'people have been telling us they're concerned about how much of the hospital they've lost. I haven't spoken to a single person who uses our hospital that is not concerned that we now have to travel to Coventry for services that we should be able to get from a hospital situated in a town like Rugby.'

Mr White also expressed his concern over the legal power TTIP gives to business. 'No elected government should face the threat of being able to be sued by unelected businesses.

Under TTIP, these businesses will have the freedom to buy out more and more of our NHS as well as other public services. Our campaign is all about putting public services back in public hands.

Terry and Rugby Greens are fighting for:

1.    Defend St Cross and our NHS – End privatisation and PFI.

2.    End tax evasion that leak £120 billion of funds that should be paid by the super rich every year. If they don’t pay - they don’t trade in the UK says Terry White.

3.    Support for a Robin Hood Tax so that the ordinary people do not end up subsiding the wealthy.

4.    Renationalise the Railways

5.    Take academies and free schools back into the public education service

6.    Oppose unsuitable housing developments – build homes for local need not profit for developers.

7.     Promote Rugby as a place for the new green jobs – based on the skills that already exist in Rugby

8.    Take the energy companies back into public ownership and provide free solar panels & Insulation etc to tackle fuel poverty and low cost grants to owner-occupiers.

9.    A citizen income guarantee to end poverty and the millions forced to used food bank and the situation where workers are one pay slip away from financial diasaster.

10.                       A living of £10 per hour by 2020 – Why should the state subsidise low Pay?

Terry says  “Rugby is my community and with new positive Green ideas we can start to repair the damage that has been done by the grey parties and build our town into a safe vibrant place to live”

Terry would only take average workers wage 
as the MP for Rugby

Terry White “I pledge to carry the values and beliefs of the Green Party for the common good for those who live, work and learn in Rugby.”

“I therefore pledge to only take the average skilled wage of people in Rugby and donate the rest of inflated MP’s wage back to good causes in the local community.”



Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Government attack on sick and disabled

The Green Party has reacted strongly to new developments affecting sick and disabled people which it says amount to a three pronged attack that will drive thousands into greater hardship and poverty: 

1. Internal government documents seen by the BBC suggest that the government is considering cutting Employment and Support Allowance by almost £30 per week. (1) 

2. It has emerged that thousands of people with degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Multiple Sclerosis are having their benefits slashed because the Department for Work and Pensions believes that they will recover enough to work. (2).

3 Another controversial American company Maximus is taking over the contract to assess the fitness of benefits claimants to work, the BBC understands, replacing French firm Atos, who quit the contract in March. (3)

The Green Party’s Work and Pensions spokesperson Jonathan Bartley said: “The Government is turning the screw even more tightly on the sick and disabled.  Cutting benefits for sick and disabled people, who have already been disproportionately targeted and are already more likely to be living in poverty, is completely unacceptable. (4).

“The Work Capability Assessment has proved a very expensive disaster in both financial and human terms. It must be abolished and replaced with a system that truly reflects the needs and aspirations of sick and disabled people. Those who cannot work must receive the support they need.

“It is unnecessary to pay hundreds of millions of pounds to private companies like Atos and Maximus, when sick and disabled people, and their own NHS doctors, can tell us what they need. Public services should be run for the common good, not private profit.  Maximus has already been embroiled in controversy (5) and should not be involved in crucial decisions as to what support will be offered to sick and disabled people in the UK.” 

(1) This would affect those in the Work Related Activity Group (WRAG)
(2) http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/thousands-with-degenerative-conditions-classified-as-fit-to-work-in-future--despite-no-possibility-of-improvement-9811910.html 
(3) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-29815425 
(4) Disability charity Scope recently reported that ‘disabled people are twice as likely to live below the poverty line as non-disabled people’ and face considerably higher living costs. http://www.scope.org.uk/support/disabled-people/money  
(5) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/07/23/AR2007072301727.html

Tuesday, 28 October 2014


Over the last several weeks, Rugby Green Party have come out in force campaigning over the threat of cuts to Rugby St Cross Hospital.

The Green Party believe that this is more likely to be as a direct result of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), a treaty between the European Union and the United States.

Terry White, 22, from Rugby Green Party has said 'people have been telling us they're concerned about how much of the hospital they've lost. I haven't spoken to a single person who uses our hospital that is not concerned that we now have to travel to Coventry for services that we should be able to get from a hospital situated in a town like Rugby.'

Mr White also expressed his concern over the legal power TTIP gives to business. 'No elected government should face the threat of being able to be sued by unelected businesses.

Under TTIP, these businesses will have the freedom to buy out more and more of our NHS as well as other public services. Our campaign is all about putting public services back in public hands.

Thousands of people across Rugby aren't in a financial situation to be able to afford our health service to be sold off and the devastating part is how we haven't heard Mr Pawsey MP for Rugby say anything on this, which is why I will be writing to him to demand an explanation from him on this.

Monday, 27 October 2014


Rugby Green Party has selected Kate Crowley as our Green Candidate in the forthcoming By Election for the Bilton Ward.

Kate who has lived in Rugby for over 30 years and lives nearby to the Bilton Ward is well known to many in her profession as a local Pharmacist.

Interests of Kate’s include dancing, reading, walking and charitable fundraising

Kate is campaigning to give people a positive vote in Bilton to:

    • Defend our NHS.
    • Protect independent local shops in Bilton – including a levy on new supermarket developments. According to ‘Local Works’ Every time a supermarket opens, 276 jobs are lost locally and we all know what our neglected town centre looks like with empty shops – we do not want this in Bilton!
    • Improve bus services,
    • Oppose unsuitable housing developments – build homes for local need not profit for developers.
    • Promote Rugby as a place for the new green jobs – based on the skills that already exist in Rugby including the council taking the lead to improve public housing through free solar panels & Insulation etc to tackle fuel poverty and low cost grants to owner occupiers.

Kate says, “Rugby is my community and with new positive Green ideas we can start to repair the damage that has been done by the grey parties and build our town into a safe vibrant place to live”

Contact Kate and Rugby Green Party on 07935 251832 
Email rugbygreenparty@gmail.com

P & P by R.Sandison on behalf of Kate Crowley and Rugby Green Party, 21 Jubilee Street, Rugby CV21 2JJ 

Friday, 12 September 2014

Dates for Your Diary: Mobilize for a Greener, Fairer World.

Off the back of a fantastic conference in Birmingham, here are some dates which are essential for your diary.

20th of September: Demand One Million Climate Jobs

On the 23rd of September the UN will host a "Climate Summit" in New York City, USA. The stated aim is for world leaders to bring together bold initiatives to tackle climate change, and mesh these together into a legally binding agreement by 2015. Realistically, this is set to be another talking shop, which will conveniently serve to green-wash the big businesses and states involved. 

 However, on the eve of this summit there will be two important counter-events held in the UK. The first is the re-launching of the campaign for "One Million Climate Jobs". This campaign, organized by the Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union Group, is primarily concerned with putting forward an alternative which serves to address the interlinked economic and ecological crises. Instead of austerity, they are calling for massive public investment in jobs that will transform our economy away from contributing to climate change, paid for by a radical redistribution of wealth. 

On the 20th of September they will be hosting their conference "The International Fight for Climate Jobs" and launching an updated pamphlet. This initiative, which is linking labour and environmentalist struggles, is phenomenally important and should be supported wholeheartedly by Green Party members. 

21st of September: People's Climate March

The following day will see the People's Climate March weave through central London in order to voice its despair at the lack of action on behalf of our governments, and voice support for the ambitious and audacious transformations that will be required to stop runaway climate change. 

The march will be one of many taking part across the world, from Bogota to Johannesburg, and of course including New York City where the UN summit is being hosted. 

This march is supported by a broad coalition of pressure groups, charities, NGO's and trade unions, including the Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union Group discussed above.

28th of September: March on the Tories Conference and "Hard-Up Festival"

On the 28th of September the Tories will be hosting their Autumn conference in Birmingham. At last years conference demonstrators outnumbered delegates. It is vitally important that at their final conference before the next general election we show our disgust towards the Tories austerity and continue to strengthen networks on the left. The TUC will be organizing a demonstration against the conference, which will conclude with a rally which is being dubbed the "Hard-Up Festival".

18th of October: Britain Needs a Pay Rise

"Join us for a march and rally in London on the 18th of October 2014, to help call for an economic recovery that works for all Britons , not just those right at the top , Britain needs a payrise!" - the TUC http://britainneedsapayrise.org/

I can already hear some of you saying "another march?". I too have doubts about the efficacy of well-mannered marches from A to B as tools for initiating change. However, given the scale of the problems we face, it is important to use grasp every opportunity we have. Even if government ministers and capitalist fat cats are unlikely to be swayed at all by our presence, these marches represent an opportunity to put our vision of an alternative world forward to the population. It is also vital that Greens assert ourselves as the party of, and for the working-classes. These demonstrations can act as a brilliant forum for networking with like-minded people and strengthening ties on the left. Furthermore, groups such as UK Uncut and Disabled People Against Cuts are able to use these demos as opportunities for creative direct action. 

Coaches will be converging on the capital from all over, please check for your local pick-up and book your place as early as possible. 

November 19th: National Demo for Free Education - No Fees, No Cuts, No Debt. 

For the most part, the student movement which exploded onto the scene following the ConDem's trebling of tuition fees in 2010 appears to have faded away. For anyone involved in left-wing politics back then, it was clear that the Student's were taking the leading role in fighting the austerity agenda. University campuses and school grounds were alive with grassroots organization that quickly outstripped the cumbersome and reserved NUS. The streets of many cities thronged with students and school-children that refused to passively accept the poor deal they were dealt by the government; campuses went into lengthy occupations with draconian responses from vice-chancellors on six-figure salaries; important links between working-class and student movements were made. 

However, we should not be complacent about the passiveness of today. A militant student activism that took root in 2010 continues to thrive today on many campuses. Birmingham university continues to be a battleground, Sussex students launched a vibrant occupation last year in solidarity with workers whose jobs were being outsourced, and the University of London Union became such a thorn in the side of the establishment that its democratically elected representatives have been replaced by officers appointed by management

On November 19th the Young Greens are co-operating with numerous other organizations to arrange a national demonstration for free education. Whether you are a student or not, we would love to see you there!

To Summarise:

  • 20th of September: International Fight for Climate Jobs Conference
  • 21st of September: People's Climate March
  • 28th of September: Demonstration at Tory Party Conference
  • 18th of October: TUC Protest - Britain Needs a Payrise
  • 19th of November: National Demo for Free Education 

Laurence Goodchild - Rugby Greens Trade Union Liaison.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Rugby Greens slam St Andrew's Church Hall planned development

St Andrew's Church Hall
Letter sent to local papers & Private Eye


We are told by the law of the land that a  Conservation Area is declared in order to preserve the character and appearance of an area.
Your readers will be concerned to note that the current planning applications to Rugby Borough Council shown above, for a new Caldecott Square that would back onto our town parish church St Andrews,would achieve just the opposite!
The applicants state that the design has been carefully chosen to fit in, but St Andrews Church House, a handsome (if unexceptional ) 1934 three storey communal building, would be demolished and replaced by a five storey apartment block , of a modernist cuboid design with flat roofs and balconies, much better suited to the Costa Blanca! ( Blocks A and B). 
The applicants argue that is all right because its appearance would be blocked by commercial buildings (the shops) , yet anyone can see that those are only three storeys high. It would also include nil social rented housing so no help for the Housing Waiting List.
Herbert Gray College in Little Elbrow Street, is a rather fine Georgian Listed Building of pre-1849 with an 18th century core, which stands to be disfigured by huge extensions of modernist cuboid glass plate walls with grey cladding panels, which could hardly be less sympathetic to the Georgian /late- Victorian buildings surrounding it.
It is understood that our Conservative-run Borough Council has already approved an earlier application here for a modernist hotel, so the planners feel pushed into accepting this new application as the existing one is even worse ; well, this is hardly an effective policy for preserving a Conservation Area and leads to the tail wagging the dog.
Bats roosting at Herbert Gray College also would not be protected , as the bat survey done is only half complete.
Readers still have a week to raise objections at the Town Hall against this architectural vandalism of our Conservation Area, and the case officer is Mr Holt.
Former users of the Church House may also wish to apply for it to get Community Asset Status which would at least freeze its demolition to see if it can be found a viable use. Anyone wishing to pursue this is invited to contact Rugby Green Party on our website as we have had  recent success in this procedure with the Imperial Hotel in Oxford Street.
At this rate we are going to lose all of Rugby's historical areas bar the School !

Thank you,
Peter Reynolds, Chair - Rugby Green Party

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Trade unionists worldwide call for an end to the siege of Gaza

The military occupation of Palestine, and the complicity of the most powerful states on earth in this occupation, is a massive injustice.

Unfortunately, we only tend to receive news about this situation every few years when the Israeli “Defence” Force decides to murder hundreds, if not thousands of civilians. The harsh daily reality of life in the Gaza strip and the West Bank are mostly ignored in between. Instead, when violence flares up we are presented with an ahistorical picture which mistakes “blaming both sides” for objectivity. Whilst schools and hospitals are being bombed, whilst children playing on the beach are targeted, whilst chemical weapons such as white phosphorous are deployed, our media outlets parrot IDF press releases about defending itself. What is often conveniently left out of this narrative is the fact that Israel is militarily occupying Palestine and proceeding to build illegal civilian settlements on this land; one of the grossest violations of international conventions. This is not a straightforward case of interstate conflict, but is instead a case of occupier against occupied.

However, as evidenced by the voting patterns in the UN, and the protests which have erupted in cities and towns globally, the majority of the world has its eyes wide open with regards to this. The governments of some the poorest countries on earth, such as Bolivia, have spoken out against Israel’s offensive. They join their Latin American neighbours Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, El Salvador and Chile in breaking off normal diplomatic ties due to what they deem to be “crimes against humanity”.

On the 26th of July in London I joined with tens of thousands of people in a march from Downing Street to the Israeli Embassy in protest against the siege of Gaza. The crowd was diverse, with people from many different backgrounds and many different organizations. I was especially proud to see grassroots trade unionists carrying their branch banners, and trade unionist leaders up on the platforms speaking.  British trade unions now have well established links with organizations such as the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. (Dozens, including my trade union Unite, hold official affiliation). These links between trade unions and social movements are vital in terms of political strategy, and recognize that we need to organize both within civil society and as producers at the place of work. Beyond pressuring our government to change its policy, trade unions such as Unison and the FBU are actively campaigning in support of the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) campaign which is putting economic pressure upon the Israeli state and companies which are complicit in the occupation.

Photo: Demonstration in London. From The Weekly Bull on Flickr and reproduced under Creative Commons 2.0

Trade unions from all over the world have answered the call from Palestinian trade unions for solidarity. From New Zealand to South Africa, they are reaching beyond immediate bread and butter issues in order to condemn these atrocities. As most big social democratic parties have lost their role as educators, and the media has become even more concentrated into the hands of the elite, the role of trade unions as political educators rather than just tools for collective bargaining is important.

Obviously though this commendation for the actions of trade unionists should not be seen as triumphalism. Press releases condemning the occupation, marches and rallies should all be applauded, but we have been here before and their strategic effectiveness is questionable. I can’t offer the definitive answers assuming that there even are any, but there have been some great summaries out there recently in terms of practical action which you can take today both as an individual and as a trade unionist:

  1. Support the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) campaign   
  2.  Hear from people on the ground
  3. Challenge media bias
  4. Join a group and take to the streets 
  5. Listen to dissenting Jews and Israelis
  6. Confront the arms trade

  1. Stop handling goods imported from or exported to Israel
  2. Divest your trade union pension — and other — funds from Israel Bonds as well as from corporations and banks that complicit in Israel’s occupation and human rights violations
  3. Dissociate from Israeli trade unions which are complicit in the occupation
  4. Support our call for a military embargo on Israel
  5. Share information with your members about the siege and destruction of Gaza and ask your members to boycott Israeli products and to share their knowledge with family, co-workers, and friends 

Laurence Goodchild - Rugby Greens Trade Union Officer

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

For living wages, not poverty pay! Support the July 10th Strike.

On July the 10th over a million workers will walk-out in a nationwide strike. Members of numerous trade unions have voted in favour of the action, which includes fire-fighters, teachers, council staff and school support workers.  The local Green Party has voiced its support for those on strike. 

Laurence Goodchild, Rugby Greens Trade Union Officer, comments “the Rugby Green Party understands and shares the concerns of those who are taking action on the 10th of July. This strike action is not the result of an irrational or hostile trade union leadership. It is an action of last resort, democratically pushed for by thousands of ordinary working-people; taken due to numerous long-standing grievances.  Many of those walking out on the 10th will be amongst the lowest-paid workers in the country, for whom losing a days pay whilst struggling with rising household bills will not be taken lightly. ”

The common grievances raised by the unions involved include continued real-term pay cuts, attacks on pensions, the slashing of public services, and a lack of commitment to proper negotiations from government employers.

Terry White of Rugby Young Greens added  “As one of the richest nations on earth, we believe that it is totally reasonable for workers to be paid a living wage. Instead, what we have seen is tax cuts for the highest earners, huge profits for energy companies whilst bills rise, continued growth in inequality, and no effective clampdown on tax evasion. Young people continue to suffer disproportionately. We sincerely hope that this co-ordinated action succeeds in defending jobs, pay and working conditions.”


Specific unions which have voted in favour of strike action include Unite, Unison, GMB, FBU, PCS and NUT. So far most estimates put the number of strikers at just over a million (including the BBC): http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-28129412

The 1% pay rise offered to some workers amounts to a real-terms pay cut due to inflation (CPI) sitting at 1.6% now – expected to rise nearer to 2% over coming months: http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/publications/Pages/inflationreport/infrep.aspx

For a summary of grievances, and an explanation for why they have decided to strike please see the joint Unite, Unison and GMB leaflet “Why we're taking action”: https://www.unison.org.uk/upload/sharepoint/On%20line%20Catalogue/22544.pdf

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Ecosocialism: Fracking, Climate and Revolution - a report from the conference

“Socialism without ecological concern will still wreck the planet, while ecological concern without a socialist analysis of capitalism will fail to save it” – Michael Lowy [i]

It could be argued that over recent years there has been very little to inspire optimism in socialists or environmentalists. Despite numerous elite talking shops about protecting our environment, and assurances that accumulated wealth would “trickle down”, the last 40 years have been characterized by increasing poverty, inequality and acceleration towards runaway climate change. Previous alternatives to capitalism, such as the “communist” countries of the USSR and China, have had a dire record in terms of ecological destruction and corrupted the vision of socialism as an alternative [ii]. On the other hand, some environmental movements and parties have become complicit in maintaining the status quo. Take for example the German Green Party’s support for militarization, or the involvement of environmental NGO’s in the REDD program at the expense of indigenous communities [iii]. At its heart this is a much more complex situation, but speaking in general terms I think it is correct to say that we have largely failed to prevent the socially and ecologically damaging effects of capitalism.

In this respect, the progression of the concept of “ecosocialism”, which attempts to address the fundamental deficiencies of the socialism and environmentalism highlighted above, is tremendously important [iv]. Although the British left tends to be characterised by dogmatism and division, the conference hosted on the 7th of June titled “Ecosocialism: Fracking, Climate and Revolution” exemplified its more positive values. Hosted by Socialist Resistance (SR) and Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century (RS21), the one-day conference featured a remarkably broad range of participants from political parties, social movements and trade unions including: the Green Party of England and Wales, Left Unity, Front de Gauche (Left Front France), War on Want, Biofuel Watch, PCS, the Labour Party, Green Left, Fuel Poverty Action, Campaign Against Climate Change, and Frack-Off Manchester.  

Video footage of most of the speeches made at the conference is available here, so I will avoid giving long descriptive outlines of what every speaker said. Instead, I would like to highlight several points of agreement and common themes which arose from the day:

·         The ecological crisis is here and now, not in some far-off future. Of greatest significance is catastrophic climate change which is having a disproportionately negative impact upon those who bear least responsibility for it – the global poor.
·         It is essential to challenge the “common sense” that economic growth equals social progress. Instead of “production for production’s sake” our economy should be geared towards meeting real human and social needs, something which is compatible with a reduction of material production (and fossil fuel use), but only in we tackle social inequality. We can see roots of these ideas already well-developed in indigenous concepts of “buen vivir” (good living) [v].
·         Socialism must fundamentally change itself to take on an ecological concern or otherwise become irrelevant.
·         Although only a socialist transformation will allow us to solve the ecological rift between nature and humankind, it is still worthwhile supporting campaigns for “reforms” which will allow for a very limited and non-structural slowing of capitalist destruction.
·         Following on from this, ecosocialists must work within social movements of resistance which do not necessarily have a revolutionary outlook; through this they can try to link class and social struggles.

Many of these points of agreement played themselves out in the practice of the conference itself. For example, speakers from social movements gave passionate talks discussing their personal experiences in fighting for reforms. Michala from the Oxford University fossil fuel divestment campaign spoke about how they were lobbying their university to cut ties with Shell, and Claire from fuel poverty action expressed her disgust at cuts to free insulation schemes. Although not explicitly talking about capitalism and socialism, through their self-organization these movements help develop the people in them and represent an opportunity to link everyday needs with a bigger picture.

As a member of the Green Party and Green Left I was very pleased to see Natalie Bennett speak at this event. This wasn’t a whole-hearted endorsement of ecosocialism from the leader of the Green Party, but her acknowledgement of the need for significant social transformation and willingness to share a platform with revolutionary socialists shows that the party is a long-way off what some of its most cynical critics accuse it of being.

For now, as Jonathan Neale stated in the closing comments of the day, we must “throw ourselves into the movements of resistance”, and articulate an alternative which is desirable in the eyes of the vast majority of the population who will lose out in the unfolding ecological crisis.

Laurence Goodchild - Rugby Green Party

(views expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent those of the party)

[i] Quoted from Derek Wall’s “The Rise of The Green Left” p.20
[ii] Most socialists no longer view the USSR, its satellites in Eastern Europe, or China as socialist or communist at all; primarily because production was planned by bureaucratic elites rather than democratically. 
[iii] For an analysis of the German Greens see Jachnow “What’s Become of the German Greens” New Left Review Vol. 81 pp. 95 – 117.
[iv] For a brief explanation of what ecosocialism is please read the international ecosocialist declaration: http://bit.ly/SFLON4. For further elaboration please search for the fantastic work of Derek Wall, John Bellamy Foster, and Daniel Tanuro.
[v] Sylvain from Front de Gauche (Left Front France) expressed his support for struggles towards “21st Century Socialism” underway in Latin America. “Buen Vivir” and “Sumak Kawsay” originate from indigenous communities in Latin America, the original sustainable development; these concepts have been taken up somewhat within this move towards socialism of the 21st century. 

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Election round up from Rugby Green Party

Thank you to all our candidates, helpers and votes.

Despite a national news blackout, the Greens made good progress in Rugby gaining 10% across the Borough including 22.25% in New Bilton, 19.15% in Newbold & Brownsover and 13.84% in Benn Ward..

We received a notable good vote of 11.70% in Hillmorton, As well as positive votes of 11.42% in Eastlands, 11.27% in our first outing in Wolvey & Shilton, A good vote of 10.05% in Bilton, and 8.34% in Paddox ward,. where the winning Lib Dem candidate is a noted campaigner on green issues herself.


The free publicity given to UKIP did have some impact on our vote in selected wards but we still managed to gain 8.62% in Wolston and the Lawfords and nearly 7.5% in both Coton & Boughton and Revel & Binley Woods.

In marginal Admirals & Cawston with an additional Ukip candidate standing our vote was squeezed down to 4.51% - but we still beat the Lib Dems. In Overslade & Rokeby our candidate was faced with a 3 party marginal and got a creditable 5.31% of the vote beating the Tusc candidate.

In Dunsmore ward our Green: Stop Facking candidate received (4.63%) and did gain support for opposing UCG in the 2 villages most affected by the plan and clearly did focus attention on the issue as this was an issue that the winning (from the Tories) Independent candidate also campaign on, which was encouraging and hopefully we can work together with in future.

In terms of the other parties;

· The Tories were visibly relieved to only lose 2 seats,

· Labour had a poor night and failed to gain their two targets of Admirals & Cawston and Overslade & Rokeby by large distances. They have much to do if they want to win back Rugby in the General Election based on this vote.

· Libs Dems were like the Tories relieved not to see their vote collapse in keys wards where they had Councillors, but they may lose Eastlands ward very soon. They did manage to gain Overslade and Rokeby on a local housing planning issue and the personal vote of their candidate. In other wards where they managed to find candidates they finished bottom usually and were soundly beaten by the Greens.

· Tusc continues to perform very badly with their lead candidate only gaining 3% in their target ward in Wolston and the Lawfords. The future electoral position of this party is uncertain if they continue to gain such limited support at the ballot box.

· The Independent gained Dunsmore and now has 2 Councillors on the council and are likely to make Dunsmore a Tory free area and cause problems for the ruling Tory group.

· Ukip despite a big effort and actually a couple of decent people standing as candidates for them did not really live up to the national hype and were more of an hindrance to other parties rather then serious challengers in Rugby.

The final tally of votes is;

Tory - 10,096 (37%) – Down 2 Councillors

Labour – 6,943 (26%) – Very poor

Lib Dems – 3,669 (14%) – Up 1

GREEN – 2,619 (10%)

Ukip – 2,047 (7%)

Ind – 1,289 (5%) – Up 1

Tusc – 450 (2%)

10% if repeated across the West Midland is likely to gain Rugby a Green MEP and a fairer electoral system such as that for the euros was applied in Rugby, we would now have at least 2 Green Councillors!

Breakdown of all votes per wards can be found here. http://www.rugbyadvertiser.co.uk/news/local-news/election-results-conservatives-retain-power-at-rugby-town-hall-1-6079047

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Green Party; Saving the NHS for the Common Good.










Contact rugbygreenparty@gmail.com for window poster

Monday, 12 May 2014

To get a Vote Green Party for your window please  text or call 07935 251832 
or email rugbygreenparty@gmail.com

Saturday, 26 April 2014


Rugby Greens are standing a record number of candidates in the forthcoming local Council elections on the 22nd may 2014.

Each of the 14 wards in Rugby will have a Green candidate offering a real positive choice for local people and we would like to thank all our candidates putting their name forward for us.

The breakdown per ward is;

1. Admirals & Cawston Peter Reynolds (Green)

2. Benn Steve Wright (Green)

3. Bilton Kate Crowley (Green)

4. Coton & Boughton Zoe Reeves (Green)

5. Dunsmore David Wolfskehl (Green- Stop Fracking Now)

6. Eastlands Phil Godden (Green)

7. Hillmorton Tim McKenzie (Green)

8. New Bilton Roy Sandison (Green)

9. Newbold & Brownsover Lorna Dunleavy (Green)

10. Paddox Amber Merrick-Potter (Green)

11. Revel & Binley Woods Roger Hill (Green)

12. Rokebt & Overslade Laurence Goodchild (Green)

13. Wolston & The Lawfords Ellie Roderick (Green)

14. Wolvey & Shilton Louisa Taylor (Green)

Totals for election.

14 - Greens/Con/Lab

8 - Lib Dems

5 - Tusc

4 - Ukip

1 - Ind

Please remember to register to vote and ask for a postal vote if you will be unable to vote on the 22nd May in person.

Also a Vote Green Poster for your window is also available by emailing rugbygreenparty@gmail.com or by phone or text to 07935 251832.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Support the Strike, Support Teachers, Support Education.

Tomorrow thousands of teachers will walk out in a nationwide strike called by the National Union of Teachers (NUT). The Rugby Green Party understands and shares the concerns of these teachers who are acting to defend the integrity of their profession and are standing shoulder to shoulder in solidarity with their fellow workers. This strike action is not the result of an irrational or hostile trade union. It is an action of last resort, taken due to numerous long-standing grievances.

The Education Secretary Michael Gove has severely damaged the relationship between teachers and central government by stubbornly pushing through top-down reforms, failing to take into account the views of those who actually work on the frontline of education. As a result trade unions representing hundreds of thousands of members (including the National Association of Head teachers (NAHT), the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL), the NUT, and the NASUWT) have declared “no confidence” in Gove’s policies, which they say are not in the best interests of children, parents or schools.

The main reasons teachers will be out on strike tomorrow are:
  •  Excessive workload, with the government’s own research showing that primary school teachers work up to 60 hours
  •  Excessive bureaucracy which diverts focus from teaching to box-ticking
  • Destruction of the national pay framework which shifts the burden of developing a pay framework onto head teachers and governors who should be focusing on teaching and learning
  • Unfair pension changes which mean working longer for less

Furthermore, teachers have expressed their frustration with excessive and inappropriate testing of children, the introduction of unqualified teachers, and widely criticized changes to the curriculum.

As the Rugby Green Party’s Trade Union Liason Officer I would like to express solidarity with those striking tomorrow on behalf of the local party.

Laurence Goodchild.

Information from the NUT on why they are striking:

Declarations of no confidence in Gove from teaching unions:
ATL: http://bit.ly/1gx4MiT
NAHT: http://ind.pn/1pvvWq2
NASUWT: http://bbc.in/1eJamwx
NUT: http://bit.ly/1dJQwgY

“Why I am striking” from teacherROAR: